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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yes Virginia, Obama Is Indeed A Terrorist

Considering how black people were kidnapped and brought here to America to be a permanent form of cheap labor, robbed of their culture, mis-educated/under educated intentionally, forced to bend to a religion who's books were changed in order to dehumanize them, used as sex slaves, beaten, murdered and maimed at will by inhuman, uncaring beings, it's incredibly shocking to their descendants and supporters to see a black man, Barack Obama reach the level of power that he has, to see him be so close to calling the shots of a nation that inherently prides itself on the domination of people of color around the world.

So yes, Obama is a terrorist to small minded, small town Americans who feel that black people and other people of color are beneath them.

He is a terrorist to those who are ingrained with the comforts of white privilege.

He is a terrorist to those who still cling to outdated, outmoded thinking about what America stands for (white is right, this is a Christian nation, etc...).

He is a terrorist to those who are afraid of change, growth and prosperity that comes from anyone that doesn't have the same skin color as them.

He is a terrorist to those caucasians who feel that there will be a violent revenge upon whites coming from black people, nevermind that if it was to happen, it would have happened over 100 years ago.

So in essence, this intelligent, articulate black man who has captured the rational, intelligent part of the nation, who may soon be President, is indeed a terrorist to those who cling to ignorance. Who cling to bigotry. Who cling to white privilege. Who cling to stupidity. Who cling to such things and hide behind the American flag, do disgusting, despicable things to animals and people and disguise it under the rights of Patriotism.

To you I say: Your time is ending.

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