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Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Complacency Of The Negro

I think so as a WHOLE, It's way too many negroes that are happy with
crumbs from the plantation owners table. A lil position at work,
suffering from the "first black" syndrome etc. has made us very
complacent and blind to what has and is happening. Since we were
forced through integration to live with, work and support everyone but
ourselves we started to value others (ie white people's and damn near
everyone Else's for that matter) businesses, ideals and way of life
more than our own. This happened because we had been deprived access
to theirs because of racism and later Jim Crow laws.

So the curiosity and the "want" for what we were so deprived finally sucked us in and we became victims once again.

Us as black folks started to lose our edge so to speak because of integration. We went from forced business owners, sacrificing
self-determination to become slaves again or "employees". We were no
longer business owners because once again we thought working for white
was right. This coupled with the fact that the black bourgeois started
to steer us in a different direction.

Blatant and at times armed confrontation had been sacrificed for
sophisticated begging through organizations like SNCC, CORE & the
NAACP. Whites contributed heavily to these organizations, therefore
ultimately controlling our movement. The blacks at the heads of these organizations sold us out for a few more crumbs off the table.

Today's younger generation because of integration and growing up
muti-cultural haven't experienced the ugly face of racism like the
generation before them. It's almost foreign to them. So to be so-called
"militant" is a foreign concept and maybe even "crazy". The ability to
live in white suburban neighborhoods, have foreign friends and even
sleep with foreign women are often a deterrent to militancy.

They are enjoying the benefits of their parents and previous
generation's struggle so this may have bread complacency at its best
or apathy at the worst. The facade is thinly veiled but those of simple
minds easily succumb to it.

Blacks as a whole own NOTHING. There is not one industry that WE
that takes REAL COURAGE and not the FAKE BRAVADO that permeates our
culture in almost every aspect of life.

Much more to say but I leave it open for discussion.

1 comment:

Kayelless said...

I agree in spirit to what has been written here, but I believe the de-evolution is not so much due to a choice of wanting to work for the white man as it was an economical shutdown. This shutdown may not have been so much as by choice as it was by force - economics. In other words blacks stop supporting black business because it was more economical to spend money at white business who could afford to offer lower prices for goods and services.

That being said we did sellout educational wise as we too often settled for the excuse that the educational fields were stacked against us so poor performance was accepted - something our ancestors never would have done - instead of challenged to overcome.

So now we have a society full of under educated black folks trying to be entertainers and athletes instead of builders of a true economic culture of industry.