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Sunday, June 1, 2008

The More They Stay The Same.

From 1993 to 2000, this was me:


I was all about the black empowerment movement and all that came with it. We fed the black people of Atlanta (those that were interested, anyway) with knowledge that if used correctly would help them grow mentally and spiritually.

Of course, it all came to an end in 2000 for me with my fathers illness and my step mother selling the store. By this time he had suffered his second stroke and it was killing me more-so than him. So naturally I broke away from it and delved full fledged into photography, though I still kept my Moorish roots... Can't break away from what you are.

So here I am 8 years later and doing a favor for my cousin who stayed entrenched in this, videotaping a lecture by Dr Delbert Blair and for the first hour and 30 minutes he pushed his Diodes on us. I was dozing in and out of sleep while manning the video camera... It was just that boring.
Good lord it was boring. Like, worse than church boring.

Finally we took a break, and I saw a lot of faces I recognized. A few of them recognized me and asked about my father and step mother. Some of them I wanted to punch in the face because of their fake consciousness. See the purpose of consciousness is to awaken and rise above. These people were stuck in a fucking time warp, which stressed the old man out, which added to his high blood pressure, which helped along his stroke. I know what you're thinking: "How is it their fault?" Well, there's a lot I'm leaving out, but I'll touch on them soon enough... Like now.

The break was near over, and the "MC" if you will (who was a clown ass nigga if I ever saw one) decided he wanted to tell me how to videotape the lecture. Telling me to pan the crowd and make sure I get the people for the question and answer period. I was "this close" to telling him to fuck off, but I remembered that I was getting paid to do this. Instead I just tapped him on his shoulder and firmly told him I knew what I was doing. Hell, 7 years running a store, THE store where his kind congregated and fed, with my fingerprints on hundreds of videotaped lectures, I think that would qualify me as knowing what I was doing. Go sit your clown ass down.

He then got up and brought to the mic this guy named Akhenaten (ah-ken-naught-in). I HATE that fuckwad, and I'm about to tell you why. back in the mid 90's my father worked really hard to get a charter from the Moorish Science Temple. We got it, and we maintained it very well, but Akhenaten wanted the power that came with it, so he got a bunch of the members together and they went from meeting at my fathers place to meeting at Akhenatens house, which turns out was a rooming house that he was looking to fill with tenants, which he eventually did with the temple members when my father was getting too busy to attend the weekly meetings. Yea, that meant Akhenaten by default became the temple leader to them. Since they all seemed fine with it, my father let it ride... Big mistake. Next thing we know we're hearing stories of girls being passed around to different men at night and other such tomfoolery. So once we found such rumors to be fact, my father had the charter revoked. That really broke his heart. Akhenaten also during the midst of the investigation had my step mother kicked off of her radio show by playing a cart (recorded radio segment) that wasn't authorized because he came in after her show, was always late, and the stations main rule was "no dead air." Step moms would play Jazz to buy him time, but he wasn't ready when the Jazz ended, so he just shoved in whatever he could get his hands on. She got blamed, he never owned up to it like a man, and thus she got booted. So for revenge I fucked Akhenatens daughter.

See, hate him.

The final part of Dr Blair's lecture was filled with talk about space ships, which he showed us pics of that were in a book, and other things like that. What bugs me is that you always see pics of ships taken by farmers and whatnot, but yet where's the pics of the fucking aliens??? Never see a pic of an alien though. Then to top it all off, if you've seen the new Indiana Jones movie, virtually everything he talked about concerning aliens was in that movie. Now I can be skeptical about all that, but I know how Hollywood and the Government works, so we're looking at fence straddling right now.

Do quote me on this: This is the second time this week that I've heard that Bush is planning on pulling a Palpatine on us. That being, creating a disaster whereas he can suspend the elections, dismiss Congress and become a dictator, issuing Marshal Law and become a full fledged dictator. This is supposed to happen in August by either the destruction or near destruction of a major city where thousands of people die and they blame it on the flavor of choice; the terrorists. Just a matter of which city is the target. That happens, make sure you at least get kissed first, because we're fucked.

After the event was over, my cousin via my step mother, who helped me in 2000 to wash my hands of all this shit because of how he fucked me over with the money, tried to undercut what he promised to pay me. Dude, I'm 36 now, and my dealings with you taught me to get guaranteed pay and take no shorts or losses... Pay me what you fucking agreed to pay me, which he did. Oh he tried to haggle, but I wasn't hearing that shit, just give me my fucking money so I can get out of here. BTW, don't ever drink a natural soda or fruit juice, wait an hour and then try to make a 45 minute drive home. Gas station bathrooms are terrible for shitting in.

To sum it all up, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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